Where does our electricity come from?

Origin of electricity

In our product description, we give the origin, production methods, and environmental impact of the electricity we sell. Our product description is based on the Finnish Act on Verification and Notification of Origin of Electricity, and complies with the instructions provided by the Finnish Energy Authority. Energy sources are divided into three categories: fossil energy sources and peat, nuclear power, and renewable energy sources.

Lumme Energia's 2023 product description

Energy sources of sold electricity 3 994 GWh **)

In 2023, specific CO2 emissions, i.e., the ratio of carbon dioxide emissions to sold electricity, from the electricity we sold totalled 389 g/kWh and the amount of nuclear fuel used in the production of electricity in relation to total electricity sold was 0.31 mg/kWh. ***)

*) 89 % of electricity produced from renewable energy sources was sold as environmentally friendly electricity.

**) The production mix of sold electricity corresponds to the total production mix defined by the Finnish Energy Authority.

***) For the calculation of the total production mix and emission data, we used the national residual mix published by the Finnish Energy Authority to take account of the share of sales not certified with guarantees of origin. The energy source and production method-specific residual mix emission factors and the emission distribution method used in connection with co-production are available in the residual mix document published by the Finnish Energy Authority.

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Lumme Energia's 2023 product description without green energy

Production mix of sold uncertified electricity,  2 800 GWh

In 2023, the specific CO2 emissions, i.e., the ratio of carbon dioxide emissions to sold electricity, of the uncertified electricity we sold totalled 555 g/kWh, and the amount of nuclear fuel used in the production of electricity in relation to the total amount of electricity sold was 0,44 mg/kWh.

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