Electricity agreements for large enterprises

Help with your energy management via the Energiajohtaja service

With the help of the Energiajohtaja concept, separate areas related to the customer's energy procurement, energy efficiency, new technologies and reporting can be optimised and concentrated in the same package and reports in a controlled manner! Our expertise is at your disposal – with a single login and everything in one place.




A comprehensive service providing responsible energy for companies

Portfolio Management and Energy Management Services

  • Proven first-Class Portfolio Management and Reporting. Between 2016 and 2026, Lumme Energy's portfolio management has produced average savings of €18/MWh. A company consuming 1,000 MWh saves €18,000 annually. Save time by leaving energy market monitoring to the experts.
  • Electricity Balance Management
  • Utilization of Demand Response
  • Verified and Certified Renewable Energy
Salkunhoito-Antti-Tammi-asiakastapaaminen kopio
Energiakatselmus-Energiajohtaja kopio

Energy Efficiency Service

The Energy Efficiency Service provides expertise and tools to enhance the energy intelligence of your company's properties. It involves managing overall energy consumption, enabling greater savings and lower emissions through optimization, reporting, and continuous learning.

We deliver energy efficiency services in collaboration with EG EnerKey and Granlund.

Solar power solutions

Increase your company's use of renewable energy and reduce CO2 emissions with our solar sevices. We help your business find the right solar power solutions, whether you need an industrial-scale solar park or a solar power system for your property's roof, wall, or ground installation.

Solar power can be acquired as a service without investments or as a system delivery for ownership.


Carbon Footprint Calculation Service

We will work together with your company to identify the components of your company's emission load by calculating its carbon footprint. Through this assessment, we are able to determine which operational changes can cut down both emissions and costs. Additionally, we provide climate units, such as, EU emission rights and carbon sink units to assist your company’s climate work further.

Expert Services and Data Analysis

With the Energiajohtaja service, you get expert services for energy procurement, optimization, solar services, carbon footprint calculation, and sustainable business practices. In other words, all your company's energy-related needs.

Monitoring and analyzing results are essential parts of the Energiajohtaja service and crucial for achieving better outcomes. Transparent communication fosters a sense of community and responsiveness.

Neukkarin palaveri Energiajohtaja

Lumme Energia is a partner you can count on every day. 

Contact our corporate sales team:
tel. +358 10 207 4830 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm)

Please fill in the contact form, and our specialists will contact you.

Contact us

Our electricity agreements meet the needs of large enterprises – we will be delighted to help you choose an agreement

Juha Parviainen

Juha Parviainen

Key Account & Development Manager

+358 50 322 6033
